Linking Community Resilience to Health and Wellness
Community Resilience (CR) is a topic on many people’s minds these days, and represents a community’s and an individual’s ability to weather adversity, as well as to adapt and recover. It also represents a community’s strength and readiness to respond to changes and capitalize on opportunities. Adaptation and recovery are intrinsically linked to the health and wellness of a community or individual, and measuring the link between CR and a community’s health is a point of key importance. Community resilience is complex, so scholars and stakeholders have developed a variety of models and metrics to measure and identify it. Many of these are linked to health and wellness outcomes within the community, providing a foundation for the link between the resilience of a community and the health of the people. Further research is required as the nature of CR is better defined, but current results provide support for using the measurement of CR to identify key points of intervention to improve the health and wellbeing of communities.
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