Using Social Network Analysis to Link Community Health and Network Strength
July 14, 2023
Tech-Enabled Community Resilience
Michaela Bonnett, MPH, Chimdi Ezeigwe, MPH, Meaghan Kennedy, MPH, and Teri Garstka, Ph.D.
Social network analysis (SNA) is a technique used to analyze social networks, whether it be composed of people, organizations, physical locations, or objects. It is being increasingly applied across a variety of sectors to gain insight into patterns of behavior and connectivity, the flow of information and behaviors, and to track and predict the effectiveness of interventions or programs. A key area associated with network strength using SNA is the health and wellness of individuals and communities. Both network strength and health and wellness are measured in many ways, which can obfuscate the association, so more consistency and further research is required. Despite this, the existing research using SNA to link characteristics of social networks to health and wellness find that stronger, more connected networks tend to be associated with better health outcomes. These results also present opportunities and insights for effective program implementation in response to disasters, to increase resilience, and to improve outcomes for individuals and communities.
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