Early Childhood Services are a Significant Protective Factor Against Removals into Foster Care
April 20, 2023
23rd National Conference on Child Abuse & Neglect: Doing Things Differently: Moving from the Challenge to the Change
The Kansas Early Childhood Data Trust is conducting a long-term study that will link Early Childhood Block Grant (ECBG) program data with data from the Department of Children and Families (DCF) to identify the most effective systems approach in preventing child maltreatment as well as studying the long-term impact of prevention-focused services and their ability to secure equitable outcomes for children and families in Kansas. ECBG/CBCAP services significantly reduced the likelihood of removals into foster care in Kansas by 23%. For every dollar invested in ECBG/CBCAP, Kansans reap an 8% return on investments by reducing economic burden in other systems. Returns can be reinvested elsewhere.
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